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Joseph Razzano, O.D.

Meet Dr. Joseph Razzano of Mount Vernon Eyecare, the leading provider of vision care products and services in Mount Vernon, Ohio.

Photo of Dr. Razzano and familyDr. Joe Razzano is a 2014 graduate of the Ohio State University College of Optometry. As part of his Optometric education, he completed advanced training in contact lens fitting, ocular disease management, LASIK surgery management, and sports vision.

Dr. Razzano likes to connect personally with his patients and is always willing to answer any questions. Dr. Razzano’s personal motto is “The eyes are the windows to your health,” as he focuses not only on your eye health but also on how it relates to your overall health. Did you know that over 30 systemic conditions can be diagnosed through an eye exam!?

“Vision is our most precious sense and essential to maintaining a high quality of life. I love being an eye doctor because I get to help a broad range of people while forming lifelong patient relationships. My goal is to deliver personalized care that satisfies the ocular health care and vision-related needs for your unique lifestyle and hobbies.”

Dr. Razzano resides in Columbus with his wife Jessica and son Mack. He is an avid golfer and enjoys cheering on the Browns and Buckeyes.